Samantha Hulme Restorative Exercise Specialist (RES, certified, ESMT, ITEC, OCEPT, BHSAI)
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Deepen the Connections Through Your Body And With Your Horse

For you and your horse; unlock the missing piece in your riding

Connecting the dots to the root cause of riding problems

With a holistic approach to riding and movement, my blog explores the often-overlooked sides of riding, offering thought-provoking insights into:

  • How we influence our horse’s posture and movement

  • The hidden causes behind common riding challenges

  • How your riding corrections can often be the symptom and not the root cause

With over 25 years of experience as a therapist, I share expert tips to:

  • Enhance your own and your horse’s movement and long-term health

  • Recognize harmful training techniques before they cause issues

  • Prevent injuries in both horse and rider

Start Your Journey to Rider Empowerment 

My blog provides practical advice and education to help you see riding through a different perspective. Whether you are looking to refine your riding skills, or have injuries or pain that affect your riding or postural/symmetry problems.


How Refined Riding can benefit you


Develop your riding and understanding of your own and the horse’s body

Improve your movement, development and health

REFINED - Developed or improved, to be precise or subtle.

You may not be a rider but love being around horses and helping at the yard, you may be a stable worker, a handyman. The farmer who delivers the horses hay and straw or the proprietor of the mobile food truck that brings your sandwiches. We all use repetitive movement patterns throughout are lives, which over use some body parts and under-use others. We can all benefit from reopening our bodies potential.

I chose to bring this work to my fellow equestrians because of my background as a rider, coach, therapist and restorative exercise specialist. I can explain and support you with your riding, and give you a greater understanding of your horse’s movement and health at the same time. 


Riding follows a lifelong learning passage, advanced riders I have worked with have developed into much more in tune, balanced, coordinated riders and been surprised at where their weaknesses existed. Novice riders became better equipped for the saddle, minimising confusion and maybe even sidestepping a few falls!

Repetitive: actions or elements that are repeated many times. 

Many individuals work consists of a few repetitive patterns throughout the day, this can be heavy manual employment or sedentary office work. Even gym attendees only access a few definite exercises in a consolidated time. We all need to move more, access more of our bodies, more of the time. Our horses are the same, many of them endure sedentary lifestyles. In opposition, some individuals are seeking to move more, but what if you could move in a manner that is a more beneficial to you? Your daily movement patterns have moulded you into your present shape.

Both humans and equines were born to move. Many individuals believe in today’s society we have evolved past our physical, mental and evolutionary needs. Horses would have typically moved 25 miles daily. This behaviour allowed them to pick their head up and down up to 50,000 times daily, priming their muscles for movement.


Their feet are naturally worn from their movement, and growth would equal wear. The horse’s abdomen gently swings during grazing to assist digestion. Teeth align naturally when jaw drops as the horse grazes. We live in an ever increasing sick population, because of lifestyle preferences. Many individuals’ lead very sedentary lifestyles, any exercise is in the construct of a few repetitious patterns. Ever increasing technology taking the place of our movement contributing to a culture of convenience.

Replacement joint numbers soar yearly and increases in health issues. Joint interventions have developed into the typical norm for horses. Gut problems and many diseases unheard of a decade ago continue to rise.  I can coach you the individual the skills to figure out and apply throughout your life, a fresh perspective on human movement. YOU will grow to recognise your own individual alignment and how your own body works. Giving you the ability to make lasting changes.

What is alignment and why is it so important? Alignment is your own individual joints being in optimal position throughout your body, to allow all the surrounding structures to work in balance and efficiency with minimal strain. This gives room for your internal structures to work optimally, which brings many health benefits. What effect does bad alignment have? Joint degeneration, inflammation, osteoporosis, cardiovascular, digestive, pelvic floor issues, to name a few. Poor alignment affects your structure, mechanics and entire body and has a huge effect on your physical and mental health.

Do you have tasks you did before and now find difficult? Here are a few subjects classes can cover. 

  • Back pain

  • Pelvic floor dysfunction

  • Hernia prolapse

  • Osteoporosis,arthritic pain and stiffness, joint health

  • Neck, knee and shoulder issues

  • Rounded upper back (hyperkyphosis) forward head posture, pain and numbness in the arms, hands and fingers

  • Cardiovascular health

  • Digestive disorders

  • Diastasis recti

  • Restore your core – does fat only accumulate in certain areas?

  • Chronic headaches, foggy brain, pressure behind the eyes, migraines

  • Foot issues – plantar fasciitis, bunions, foot pain

  • Walking gait basics

  • Ageing well – strength and balance at any age